Barn Quilt Treasures logo

Come with us and Celebrate . . .

Celebrate the barn quilts in Carver County MN
Celebrate this unique, open-air, folk art gallery
Celebrate the art of quilting
Celebrate the barns, farms and the countryside
Barn Quilt Treasures MugBarn Quilt Treasures sells merchandise that celebrates barn quilts.

The images come from the open-air gallery created by the Barn Quilts of Carver County, MN and other photographs of local barn and farm scenes. A local barn quilt enthusiast started the project; a local artist donated her time & talent to recommend and to create designs. She drew the blocks to scale, mixed colors and assisted the barn owners’ families as they painted the patterns. Currently, there are more than 40 barn quilts in Carver County, MN.

For the 2023 season, Barn Quilt Treasures are available for purchase (cash) during Barn Quilt Tours.

Barb Hone Barn Quilt Treasures

Meet Barb Hone

Hello, barn quilt lovers!

I was born and raised on a Holstein family farm in Mansfield, Ohio. I’ve lived on a horse farm. Since 2010, I’ve been part of the Barn Quilts of Carver County. My role from the beginning has been writer, documentarian.

Interviewing the barn owners has been a great joy for me. With their permission and their stories, I’ve published articles for local newspapers and written two books documenting the beginning and expansion of the Carver County Barn Quilt Trail. The full-color pages express the owner’s pride in their personal histories, their homesteads, and, by choosing to be a part of the barn quilt project, they contribute to the community by sharing their love of art.

I no longer live on a farm, but I’ve had the opportunity to join in Janet Fahey’s fun and work as she renovates her family barn in Cologne.

Barn Quilt Treasures was established in 2014. Quilters and quilt lovers appreciate the gifts and souvenirs depicting the colorful barn quilt blocks. These items are available to purchase, on our website (visit the Treasures page), at the MN Landscape Arboretum Gift and Garden Store in Chaska, Bongards’ Creamery, and the Quilting Grounds in NYA.

Barn Quilts, Carver County (Book 1)

Barn Quilt Carver County MN

Barn Quilts and Carver County (Book 2)

Barn Quilts and Carver County MN

A Barn Quilt Coloring Book

A Barn Quilt Coloring Book