Art & Agriculture Gallery – Windmills

Call for Submissions for the new Art & Agriculture Gallery (online)


Art & Agriculture Gallery

Purpose: To Discover, Explore, Share, and Celebrate Carver County’s Agricultural Heritage. Barn Quilts of Carver County has created a new page on our website called Art & Agriculture Gallery. This page will house a Gallery of Photos of Carver County farms, fields, produce, and homesteads.

Call and Submissions: The “call” is for Carver County agriculturalists/farmers to photograph and submit an image from their land as described in the “call.”
This is not a contest – just sharing!  With your submission, please, title your image and include nearest town as location.

First Call: WINDMILLS on your farm, vineyard or orchard.

Submit to: Please include the photographer’s name, name of the work, approx. date created, city/township, and your phone number in case we have any questions. Photos should be a JPG with file size of 1MB or less. Photos will be published on the Art & Agriculture Gallery page with descriptions. Email your questions and your entry to

Categories: New categories will be announced on the first of every month on our blog. You can submit your images anytime for any category!