Barn Quilts of Carver County in Snowy Settings

Barn Quilts of Carver County in Snowy Settings – PART 1

A Carver County Barn Quilt Blog

Carver County is now home to 47 barn quilts providing an every-growing free, open-air art gallery.

As a brief look back, the idea of barn quilts in Carver County was introduced in 2011. With enthusiasm from a local artist, the Arts Consortium and the Chaska Area Quilt Club, Barn Quilts of Carver County was established and was awarded a $5,000 public art grant from MRAC (Metropolitan Regional Art Council). Barn owners applied to be part of the project. The first 25 barn quilts were installed between 2011 – 2013. Even without grant money, interest continued to grow. Farmers are willing to pay the artist(s) directly; thus, the gallery expands with commissioned art.

From the beginning, there were requests for barn quilt tours. Tours were established by one of the first barn quilt owners in 2012. Soon gifts and souvenirs were produced, mugs, t-shirts and numerous other items depicting images of the colorful quilt blocks.

Here we are in 2022 with the pandemic, hopefully under control, and looking forward to a full touring season. Typically, we visualize barn quilts shining brightly in the summer sun. However, as a transition, during the month of March, I’ll be sharing barn quilts of Carver County in snowy settings.

Barb Hone
Barn Quilt Treasures

1st photo – the snowiest! Miller’s barn.

A peek through the snow-covered pines!

Then owner, Myra Miller, chose this brightly-colored “Hole in the Barn” quilt pattern to light up her red barn in Cologne.

Miller Barn. "Hole in the Barn." Cologne
Miller Barn. “Hole in the Barn.” Cologne